To Make a Claim on Your Policy
If you need to report a claim to one of the insurance companies below, you can call the claims number directly. Most provide twenty-four-hour service. A direct claim will result in the quickest resolution for you, but we are happy to assist you in any way, so please call us for help or questions at any time.
Do keep in mind…
Have your insurance policy in hand when you call.
Once you call in a claim, even if you end up deciding not to file, a record of the claim will appear on your insurance record and cannot be removed.
Filing an auto claim usually increases your premium.
Claims on homeowners policies do not affect premiums, but more than one could result in non-renewal of the policy.
Sometimes the cost of repairs out of pocket is less costly than the potential long-term increase in insurance costs resulting from a claim.
If you are in doubt over whether to file a claim or pay out of pocket, call your agent to discuss the implications.
If you are in a car accident that was not your fault and the other vehicle has insurance, do not file with your own company. The insurance policy of the other vehicle should handle the claim and pay for damage to your car.
Claims Numbers
ASI 866.274.5677
AIG 888.760.9195
Bankers 800.765.9700 x2
Chubb 800.252.4670
CNA 877.262.2727
Hartford 800.327.3636
Progressive 800.925.2886
Safeco 800.332.3226
Scottsdale 800.423.7675 x4
St. Johns 877.748.2059
Travelers 800.252.4633